Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pedaling Begins

The 'aska Tour is underway. The shores of Seward sent us off. Good friends put us up. Good friends put up with us. And good friends gave us an extended farewell that still seems to be saying so long.

After a few minutes in the saddle we were excited. Now, after a few days, we are elated. The roads ahead will not have, perhaps, the social agenda or conveniences of the stomping grounds we have pedaled through. They will have, we expect, a fresh familiarity and the rhythms and cycles that we are beginning to remember.

More Photos


  1. Is "extended farewell" a euphamism for hangover? Have a great trip. I'll be following you from my rocking chair in the middle of the night!

  2. Keller waved hello to the picture of you with your bikes.

  3. I can't wait to read about your adventure! You guys rock!! -Katie Leum

  4. Love the site! I have no idea what to do with all this floor space. All the best to the Story Road Warriors.

  5. From the Godsey crew - we are following your adventures and look forward to great photos and amazing stories...Adolin, Jones, Etta and Beaudyn

  6. yea Storys! I dig the blog. Good luck, God speed. See you in October!
