Friday, June 25, 2010

Who does that?

Human nature allows many variations of normal. There are, however, times when you have to ask yourself: Who does that?

-Turd on the seat at Canyon Creek toilets.
-Guy in F-150 crashing through brush with apologetic/bewildered looking wife when identifiable road is 15 ft to the right.
-Double date camping at the other end of the lake from your house when two cycle-tourists are already camped there.
-Dude from double date who hosts 1:00 AM pity party 10 ft from our tent in running car by himself playing complaint rock to soothe his broken heart (think Dwight from the Office playing Everybody Hurts in the parking lot).

Who does that?


  1. Sorry about the turd...I was nervous about germs so I didn't want to sit.

  2. Another commonly asked question: "Where do these people come from??" Hope these questions don't become your tour themes (like they did for us)!! Happy pedaling and see you soon.....
